How are participants selected to attend the In-hospital program?

The school is responsible for the selection of an appropriate group of students to attend the program. Organising staff members will receive information and support to aid with participant selection.  Students are encouraged to attend if they are in year 10 and over, in good health and have not experienced recent trauma.


What happens if my child is physically or emotionally overwhelmed by the program content?

All care has been taken to ensure that the program is physically and emotionally age appropriate for the students. However, processes are in place to care for any student who becomes overwhelmed during the day.


What should the participant wear on the day of the excursion?

Schools provide instruction about what participants should wear. A school uniform or sports uniform is encouraged. If the school does not have a uniform, smart casual clothes are appropriate. Closed toe shoes must be worn on the day. 


How will the participant get to and from the hospital?

Schools and work places arrange their own transportation to and from the hospital - usually by bus or public transport


Who will supervise the participants during the day?

At least four school staff members (i.e. teacher, school nurse) are required to ensure adequate supervision and support. When the class is separated into smaller groups for interactive activities, at least one school staff member is required to remain with the participants at all times.


The P.A.R.T.Y. Program Co-ordinator, clinical presenters, allied health staff and specially trained volunteers, all play a role in ensuring student needs are met. All involved P.A.R.T.Y. staff and volunteers have a current Working with Children Check and police check.


Is there anything the participant should bring on the day?

Students will need to bring:

·       Refillable drink bottle

·       Cold lunch (there are no facilities for reheating) or money to buy food from the hospital cafeteria

·       Morning tea is provided on the day


How are patients selected for the program?

Patients/patient families are carefully and specifically selected to participate in the program. The patient/and or the family are provided and explanation and information regarding the program. If happy to be involved, a consent form is completed. Patients and their families share their experiences to show what real injury looks like to prevent trauma and risk-taking behaviour.